Monday, September 27, 2010

Grote LED Lights  In today's economy, even the smallest expenses can add up to make or break a company's bottom line. Oft-overlooked odds and ends can become profit drains, and companies who strive to eliminate these small expenses are usually the ones who better weather an economic storm. In the medium and heavy duty trucking industry, one of these often forgotten expenses are light bulbs and signal lamps; things that a truck needs in order to operate but remain out of mind until they fail. And given the very nature of their construction, they fail. A lot!!!


Incandescent bulbs, while commonplace, are a dated technology; while inexpensive, they are fragile and require almost constant replacement, especially on trucks in large fleets. Converting these lights to LED technology is a smart way to eliminate this problem, since LED's are resistant to many of the hazards that truck lighting faces on any given work day; they are physically durable and can withstand blows that incandescent lights cannot, they last a significant amount longer therefore requiring fewer replacements (and the labor used to replace them; while insignificant on the surface, this is one of those pesky costs that can add up over time) Should they fail many manufacturers (such as Grote) offer warranties on LED lights that provide free replacement; a luxury that generally does not come along with a standard incandescent bulb.


Along with all of these benefits, LED's are also much more environmentally friendly; instead of polluting landfills with hundreds of discarded blown incandescent lamps per year, your company will be doing its part for a "greener" planet by utilizing LED lamps for years, the lamps often even outlasting the truck they are mounted on. These factors make LED lighting a wise choice not only from a business standpoint, but from an environmental standpoint as well.





DFW Heavy Duty Parts

(Submitted by Kevin C)

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